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Legal Expert Witness

Edgewood Independent School District et al. v The Texas Education Agency. No.: D-1-G1-11-003130 (District Court of Travis County, 200th Judicial District). Date of Testimony: October 25, 2012

Save Our Schools Rally 2013

Invited Legislative Briefings

Latina/o Task Force Advocacy Days. Invited expert briefing before the Texas State Legislature’s Senate Hispanic Caucus, Mexican American Legislative Caucus, and members of the Latina/o Education Task Force. March 16, 2015.

Expanding the Agenda: The Texas Latina/o Education Task Force. Invited briefing at the Senate Hispanic Caucus and Mexican American Legislative Caucus Latino Policy Summit. October 10, 2015. Austin, TX.

A Texas-sized Opportunity to Improve the Lives of Latina/os Across the State. Invited expert briefing before the Texas State Legislature’s Senate Hispanic Caucus and Mexican American Legislative Caucus, January 26, 2015.

A Latina/o K-12 and Higher Education Policy Agenda in Texas. Invited expert briefing before the Texas State Legislature’s Senate Hispanic Caucus and Mexican American Legislative Caucus, July 9, 2014.

House Bill 5 and Proposed Changes to High School Graduation Requirements. Invited expert briefing before members of Texas State Legislature’s Senate Democratic Caucus, June 3, 2013.

High-stakes testing, High School Graduation requirements, and Public School Accountability. Invited expert briefing before the Texas State Legislature’s Senate Hispanic Caucus, February 25, 2013.

La Clase Mágica in Texas. Policy Briefing for the Office of Texas Senators Leticia Van de Putte, Kirk Watson, and Judith Zaffarini. December 9, 2009. Austin, Texas.

Invited Legislative Testimony

Public postsecondary education: Access to Higher Education for Every Student. Invited Testimony for Assembly Bill 21, before the California State Legislature’s Senate Judiciary Committee, July 11, 2017, Sacramento, CA.

Public postsecondary education: Access to Higher Education for Every Student. Invited Testimony for Assembly Bill 21, before the California State Legislature’s Assembly Committee on Higher Education, March 28, 2017, Sacramento, CA.

Public School Accountability for Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language and other Special Language Programs. Invited testimony on Senate Bill 548, before the Texas State Legislature’s Senate Committee on Public Education, April 22, 2009. Austin, TX.

Career and Technical Education in the Public Schools and High School Graduation Requirements. Invited expert testimony on House Bill 2471 before the House Committee on Public Education, April 7, 2009.

House Bill 3 and Public School Accountability. Invited expert briefing before the Texas State Legislature’s Mexican American Legislative Caucus (MALC) and Black Legislative Caucus, March 17, 2009.

Secondary-level English language learners’ Program for Public School Students of Limited English Proficiency. Invited testimony on Senate Bill 2002 before the Texas State Legislature’s Senate Committee on Public Education, March 31, 2009. Austin, TX.

House Bill 3 and Public School Accountability. Invited expert testimony before the House Committee on Public Education. March 17, 2009.

Public Legislative Testimony

Senate Bill 346: Relating to Pubic Postsecondary education: The California Promise. Public oral testimony to the California State Legislature’s Assembly Committee on Higher Education, July 11, 2017. Sacramento, CA.

Senate Bill 161: Relating to a study regarding the costs of educating students of limited English proficiency in public schools. Written and oral testimony to the Senate Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature. April 28, 2015.

House Bill 3671: Relating to the Public School Finance System. Written and oral testimony to the House Public Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature. March 16, 2015.

Senate Bill 149: Relating to alternative methods for satisfying certain public high school graduation requirements, including the use of individual graduation committees. Written and oral testimony to the Senate Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature. February 19, 2015

Relating to the Implementation of House Bill 5: Public school accountability, including assessment, and curriculum requirements. Written and oral testimony to the Senate Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature. April 14, 2014. Austin, TX.

Relating to the State Board of Education (SBOE) Rulemaking Process of House Bill 5 and New Course Development. Written and oral testimony to the State Board of Education Committee of the Full Board. April 8, 2014. Austin, TX.

Relating to the Implementation of House Bill 5: Public school accountability, including assessment, and curriculum requirements. Written and oral testimony to the House Public Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature.  March 26, 2014. Austin, TX.

Relating to the State Board of Education (SBOE) Rulemaking Process of House Bill 5 and Graduation Requirements. Written and oral testimony to the State Board of Education Committee of the Full Board. November 20, 2013. Austin, TX.

Relating to the State Board of Education (SBOE) Rulemaking Process of House Bill 5. Written and oral testimony to the State Board of Education Committee of the Full Board. September 17, 2013. Austin, TX.

House Bill 5: Relating to: Public School Accountability, Assessment, and Curriculum Requirements. Written and oral testimony to the House Public Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature.  February 19, 2013. Austin, TX.

House Bill 640: Relating to public school accountability and end-of-course assessment instruments. Written and oral testimony to the House Public Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature. February 19, 2013. Austin, TX.

Senate Bill 3: Relating to public high school graduation, including curriculum requirements for graduation and funding in support of certain curriculum authorized for graduation. Written and oral testimony to the Senate Education Committee of the 83rd Texas State Legislature. February 12, 2013. Austin, TX.

House Bill 500: Relating to end-of-course assessment instruments administered to public high school students. Written and oral testimony to the House Public Education Committee of the 82nd Texas State Legislature. March 15, 2011. Austin, TX.

Senate Bill 28: Relating to eligibility for a TEXAS grant and to administration of the TEXAS grant program. Written and oral testimony to the Senate Committee on Higher Education of the 82nd Texas State Legislature. March 9, 2011. Austin, TX.

House Bill 9: Student success-based funding for public institutions of higher education. Written and oral testimony to the House Higher Education Committee of the 82nd Texas State Legislature.  March 1, 2011. Austin, TX.

House Bill 10: Relating to eligibility for a TEXAS grant and to administration of the TEXAS grant program. Written and oral testimony to the House Higher Education Committee of the 82nd Texas State Legislature. March 1, 2011. Austin, TX.

House Bill 3 Implementation. Written and oral testimony to the Joint House and Senate Committees on Education of the 81st (interim) Texas State Legislature, Charge One: Update on House Bill 3 Implementation.  September 24, 2010. Austin, TX.

Restructuring of State Financial Aid for Student Success. Written testimony to the Senate Higher Education Committee of the 81st (interim) Texas State Legislature, Charge One: Financial Aid. April 25, 2010. Austin, TX.

Best practices and programs for students targeted to improve the academic success of limited English-proficient students. Oral testimony before the Senate Committee on Public Education of the 80th (interim) Texas State Legislature. October 20, 2008. Austin, TX.